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The Daily Update...

6th of October 2021

07:02:16 CET J left with the bus at 07:00 this morning. They are going to the north-west of France, in the area of Cap Gris Nez and Cap Blanc Nez. School is arranging an excursion, for 3 days with a lot of educational visits. I am sure they will be back on Friday rested and fresh.

Needless to say, it was an early start for all of us, I was already awake an hour before the alarm which was set for 05:00 o'clock.

Today is my younger brother's birthday, the wishes already sent . He is getting old, I am sure he is catching up. Cheers (raising my coffee cup), brother!

12:40:16 CET I found a cool way of highlighting text or complete parahraphs of text if needed. This with small impact and easy to implement throughout the complete website. It's perfect when I make references to earlier posts etc.

As an example, click THIS... or click this one if you prefer. Once you're done, click here to turn it off.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson