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The Daily Update...

5th of October 2021

12:47:34 CET Another early morning, rushing around trying to look alive. Thank goodness for the divine cups (one cups is not enough) of coffee!

It was an interesting evening yesterday. Early in the evening, we discovered that the light didn't work in the bathroom on the top floor. I thought the tube light was broken, which would be a safe conclusion to reach. But, to make a long story a bit shorter (I skip the details of running around testing lights and electricity plugs and checking the fusebox etc), but there were more lights and electricity plugs affected. And, at first, I thought I saw a pattern when checking the electricity plan.

The lights came back once I turned off/on the one associated fuse. All good, problem found and I expressed that it was unnecessary calling for the electrician. No, not so fast there Mr. hobby electrician. Our trustworthy electrician arrived to have a quick look, maybe checking what the two contractors had done earlier? Indeed, these are the same people who came to install the home charger but actually forgot the home charger. The bad feeling I had about them, already before I knew what they forgot, proved to be justified! They had actually forgotten to tighten 5 fuses! It caused glitches and could lead to serious issues. I mean, "they had one job to do...". How the heck can they fail so miserably? Clowns...

I really wonder if it will be the same technicians that are back tomorrow??? I will NOT be as friendly as last time! I will NOT offer them any coffee this time around!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson