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The Daily Update...

21st of September 2021

07:51:17 CET When we stood up this morning and opened the curtains it was as dark outside as my coffee. That was then, now the weather is actually looking really nice, the sun is coming up and it's nice and fresh outside.

Once I filled oil in the moped this morning, J could leave as well. It's never a good thing seeing those red warning lamps in the morning. As if it's not stressy enough...

The freezer was ordered yesterday. Yes, luckily I had some time to do it! It will be delivered next Wednesday the 29th. They will take care of the old one and hopefully they will help me placing it in the garage for me. Carrying that thing around is not the best for someone with a bad back.

08:56:45 CET I have updated the translation function I discovered that my translation links on this page ( top, right cornerClick one of these to translate accordingly) didn't work very well sometimes. I found an article explaining that some browsers/settings/combination might considered the google translate URL as sensitive cross-domain linking.

I have now updated the link and, at least for me, it seems to work better now. Check it out (if you don't have the extension installed or using Chrome translation function)!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson