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The Daily Update...

24th of September 2021

07:54:02 CET Slightly changed routines today - I am going to the office the first time in 18 months . I am enjoying one cup of coffee, the rest needs to go into the thermos mug for further enjoyment in the car.

Talking about the car, I wonder how traffic will be. I am sure the next call need to be done from the car.

OK, I'd better be going...

22:31:58 CET OK, a different working day. It was interesting working in the office today. I see it more of a visit than working. It's not the most efficient if I'd compare the options (home office thus).

The practicality of returning is not there yet. Lunch- and canteen arrangements, technical setup, booking of places are some of the things that still needs to be looked into. I have the feeling that it was rushed through without really thinking it through. Anyway, it's a start of a potential future hybrid solution...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson