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The Daily Update...

23rd of September 2021

08:22:22 CET Hectic morning today for all of us. Hopefully, J is not getting sick. He has got a sore throat. With the limited social contact for the population, the immune system is not what it used to be. All sorts of germs are spreading like mad at the moment.

I am taking the time now to enjoy the coffee (while trying to fix the ever failing windows update) with the sun coming up. It seems the weather will be nice today again; a clear and sunny day.

12:31:06 CET Like I mentioned earlier, I am checking why the Windows update keeps failing. It's been available for a week now, but when I try to install it, an error appears and it's rolled back. Very frustrating as it takes about 30 mins to boot the computer. Thanks a lot Windows!

Having a look around on Internet, I found this articleLink to the article at Lifewire. which I am trying out. I am now at the stepThis is also at Lifewire. They seem to have a lot of good content there! where they suggest a complete system backup. It seems that a complete image is being generated. It takes forever, maybe because I am saving it to my NAS? I just let it run...

13:45:07 CET Update: I have tried most of the suggestions listed in the article without luck. It keeps failing...!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson