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The Daily Update...

28th of September 2021

16:18:45 CET Today was another day at the office - at least that's how it was planned. Instead, and in the early hours, I could enjoy my coffee in the comfort of my home office. I was needed as an in-house resource supporting my team of external contractors when they did server patching. In case the server didn't come back up again, I would do it from my side.

I could enjoy my lunch outside in the sun before, which seems to be an endless number of rainy days, the rain starts.

21:49:37 CET email has been with us for 50 years ! It's interesting, email is 50 years50 years email, 30 year in the IT business for me... old. I do remember when I started with it back in around 1995Swedish wikipage post about the history of internet in Sweden...where I grew up.. I was living in Stockholm, studied computer and my professional IT journey was about to start...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson