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The Daily Update...

29th of September 2021

22:10:43 CET I can still vaguely remember that the coffee was fabulous this moring. Indeed, that is how long ago it felt like. OK, maybe I am being a bit dramatic...

I received the information that the freezer was going to be delivered between 08:00 and 09:00 this morning. Then it was said between 07:40 and 08:40. Clearly, we were the first on the delivery round. Emptying the content - and it was a lot - and preparing the old freezer (them picking up the old was included in the service) had to be done in the morning. Luckily it went smooth.

The weather turned bad; it got so bad that J had to go by car to school.

Skipping ahead; the freezer was delivered just when I arrived back. Great service, great deliver guys and all was good. For about 5 minutes..! It was discovered that one of the shelves was broken; a glas divider had shattered and glass everywhere. Probably during delivery. A replacement - a complete new freezer - was arranged to be delivered for Friday. All the glass was cleaned up and food could temporary go back in (until the replacement is delivered). All done just before my call started. It was 09:00 o'clock.

It will be a "Blue" Friday - Blue Corner will be here to install the home charger (super exciting) and Cool Blue will deliver the new freezer ...again.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson