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The Daily Update...

1st of October 2021

08:27:06 CET Enjoying the coffee tremendously this Friday morning, the first day of October. Looking forward with excitement to today. Hope everything will be OK - Blue Corner installing the home car charger and Cool Blue delivering the freezer (without anything broken this time).

Once the freezer is in place, we can finalize the setup of the garage. I am moving my 3D printer to its new place - I'm getting my little dedicated "printer corner". The Creative Corner. It'll be perfect.

Getting the car charger installed today will also give a sense of closure. It's really been a long and winding road. An interesting and learning experience, to say the least. The final closure will come when the inspector finally comes for the official approval. I received the confirmation yesterday that he will pass by on the 25th of October.

13:06:53 CET It should be so basic, one would think; if you go to install a home charger at a customer make sure you bring ... the HOME CHARGER. So I have to wait until Wednesday when they actually have the unit, they could however do all the preparation work - only the actual placing needs to happen.

Additionally, they discovered that the grounding is not to satisfactory (they measured 30.5 ohm, but it has to be well below 25) and it will not pass an inspection how it looks now. We need to get it fixed before the inspection...

OK, I better get ready unloading the freezer; the new one could arrive in 15 mins. I am curious what possibly could go wrong this time...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson